Caino   [ 2016 ]

A missing woman who disappeared ten years ago. An artist obsessed with only one masterpiece. A death row serial killer. A recurring number: 29.


Veronika Evans is a controversial photojournalist who is the protector of noble causes. With sorrow in her eyes because of the last inquiry, she doesn’t want to continue her collaboration with NYPD. She hopes to leave a trail of blood behind her, in the US, and flights to Greenland to prove the silent slaughter of seals. But the past catches up with her, also if she is on the other side of the world. The head of the Detective Bureau Fisher needs her help in NY: he found a dead body under Public Library stone lions. The corpse of a seated, made-up woman in evening dress. A crime scene that seems a Contemporary art installation. There are no coincidences, there is a relationship between the crime scene and the next inaugural event: the library will open soon a twinned art exhibition with the Venice Biennale. For this reason, Fisher needs help of someone who takes a critical look at crime scene. And Veronika is one of the best candidates for this job.

Meanwhile the number of dead bodies is increasing: two, three. Crimes with the same modus operandi, crimes with a specific and at the same time unintelligible message. There’s a connection between the cases: a missing woman who disappeared more than 10 years ago. But it leads up a blind alley, it leads up to another serial killer known as the Tailor, who is waiting to be executed by lethal injection.

Which is the connection between Cain – unknown killers are called Cain by Fisher -and the Tailor? The only recurring element is the number 29, a date that becomes a threat in New York, in a maximum security prison in Virginia and in Venice.

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